All of this VRML is version 2.0 and has only been tested on silicon graphics machines and evil windoze using cosmoplayer 2 and netscape 3.
spz szp psz pzs zsp zps A spiral tower shape. Look at the different viewpoints, especially "Eye's Eyeball." 7k. |
Isometric Projection Of The Hypercube In Three
Dimensions That's about it; a hypercube is a four dimensional cube. Try to see all the different squished cubes in the hypercube: there are sixteen cubes in all. 2.8k |
Truncated Trickery A math project cataloging all the regular tilings of three dimensional space produced by combining the tetrahedron, cube, and octahedron and their regular truncations. 6.4k |
First look at rhombic1.wrl, then look at rhombic2.wrl, and then try to figure out rhombic.wrl. | |
The Persistence Of VRML my final project with Jeff Bean for my VRML class. Careful though- it's 1.6 MB (1,621,430B). |